3 Myths Regarding Divorce and Health Insurance

Do you know your options for healthcare insurance should you divorce?

By Lindsay Engle Updated: August 19, 2021 Categories: Coping with Divorce, Financial Issues

3 Myths Regarding Divorce and Health Insurance

It is common in many marriages for one spouse to maintain the medical insurance for the entire family. In many instances, one spouse just has cheaper or higher quality coverage. But what about the matter of divorce and health insurance?

In some situations, there is a spouse that does not work or has employment that does not provide health insurance benefits. No matter the reason, the matter of health insurance must be dealt with as a part of any divorce.

Myths About Divorce and Health Insurance:

Employer-Group Coverage Doesn’t Cover an Ex-Spouse

Many people across the United States are covered by employer coverage or their spouse’s group plan. For many employer plans, health insurance is provided to eligible dependents of the subscriber. The health insurance company will establish who meets the definition of an eligible dependent.

Once a Judgment of Divorce is entered, the non-subscribing spouse will no longer qualify as an eligible dependent and can’t remain on their former spouse’s policy. Children who are eligible can remain on the insurance policy post-divorce.

For individuals who do not have access to medical insurance through an employer, they will need to obtain an individual policy, this can be an expensive bill for many people.

Another possibility would be to accept COBRA benefits that allow you to remain on the ex-spouse’s policy; this option would only be temporary, and it would be costly.

If the dependent spouse can acquire their own health insurance through their employer, that would be the best option. A former spouse will not be required to automatically fund a new medical insurance policy regardless of the employment status of either party unless otherwise negotiated in the settlement agreement.

There are other mechanisms to specifically address the health insurance issue, such as: