The Ultimate Guide to Medical Office HIPAA Compliance

Front desk receptionist showing medical office HIPAA compliance best practices while checking in a patient.

The original Health Insurance Privacy and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed in 1996. The HIPAA Privacy Rule, a part of the HIPAA Administrative Simplification regulations, has been in effect for over 20 years now. That would seem to be long enough for most medical practices and other covered entities to figure out what they have to do to meet the HIPAA compliance requirements. Of course, it is also long enough for a couple of generations of physicians and medical office staff to come and go, so constant reminders about HIPAA compliance are always in order. And, judging by some of the responses patients get when asking about copies of their protected health information, HIPAA training is a never-ending responsibility. So what do you need to know to establish a meaningful HIPAA compliance program for your medical office?

In this Article …

HIPAA Privacy Rule Definitions

First, a few definitions: