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Note that most fields support Phrase (ABST/"cardboard box"), Proximity (ABST/"cardboard box"~5), Wildcard (ABST/card*), and Leading Wildcard (ABST/*ectomy) queries. Some fields support range queries and math operations. Only basic examples are provided below.

Field Abbr. Field Name Type Syntax Example and Comments
AADR Assignee Address
(complete string)
Text AADR/California
AADR/"Route 66"
ABST Abstract Text ABST/widget
ABST/"titanium steel"
AC Assignee City Text AC/Paris
AC/"New York"
ACLM Claims Text ACLM/"cardboard box"
ACN Assignee Country Text ACN/JP or ACN/US
AGT Agent Text AGT/"Bacon & Thomas"
AGTC Agent Address City Text AGTC/Paris
AGTCN Agent Country Text AGTCN/JP
AGTN Agent Name ? Text AGTN/smith
AN Assignee Name ? Text AN/smith
APD Filing Date Date ? Single Date: APD/1/5/2012
Range: APD/1/1/1790->12/31/2001
APN Application Number Text APN/123456
AS Assignee State Text AS/NY
ASEX Assistant Examiner Name ? Text ASEX/jones
CCL US Class Text CCL/100/50
DN Document Number
(same as PN)
Number ? DN/6954235
ECLA ECLA Classification Text ECLA/G08B25/10
FOS Field of Search Text FOS/714/100
FREF Foreign Patent Reference
(entire string)
Text FREF/titanium
FREFN Foreign Patent Reference
(number only)
Number ? FREF/EP0628292
IADR Inventor Address
(entire string)
Text IADR/"main street"
IC Inventor City Text IC/Munich
ICN Inventor Country Text ICN/GB
IN Inventor Name ? Text IN/smith
IPC IPC Classification Text IPC/A63F13/00
IPCR IPC Revised Text IPCR/A63F13/00
IS Inventor State (U.S.) Text IS/ca
ISD Publication Date Date ? Single Date: ISD/1/5/2012
Range: ISD/1/1/1790->12/31/2001
KCOD Kind Code Text KCOD/b1
OREF Other References Text OREF/titanium
PARN Parent Case Text PARN/704,848
PARN/"application Ser. No. 704,848"
PCCL Primary Class Text PCCL/702/100
PD Publication Date Date ? PD/12/08/2009
PEX Primary Examiner Name ? Text PEX/smith
PN Patent Number
(same as DN)
Number ? PN/6954235
PRICN Priority Country Text PRICN/FR
PRIN Priority Number Number ? PRIN/83711
PRIR Foreign Priority Text PRIR/9/16/1990
PT Document Type Text PT/PP

Additional fields are available via our API for commercial use. Please inquire if you would like access to these, and other, fields: Assignee Count, Claim Count, Expiration Date (with term extensions), Family Member Count, Image Count, Inventor Count, Priorities Count, Reference Count, Word Count, Assignment Count.