How to Sell Books Direct to Readers: The Complete Guide

Selling your books on Amazon and other retail platforms has been the go-to strategy for many indie authors. While these platforms offer incredible reach and discoverability, they also come with certain drawbacks.

For one, any reader who buys your book on these platforms is not your direct customer – they belong to Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, or whichever retailer they purchased from. This means you don't gain access to valuable customer data like email addresses or purchasing behavior.

It's just that simple.

What's more, these platforms may even advertise competing books on your product pages. So when you drive traffic to your book listing, there's a chance the reader may end up buying someone else's book instead. Ouch.

So, when selling through these retailers, you're helping them build their customer base and generate profitable data, but not reaping those benefits yourself.

That's why selling books directly to readers is becoming an increasingly popular strategy among indie authors. While it may not be the right fit for everyone, selling direct offers several key advantages:

  1. What direct selling is and how it differs from retail platforms
  2. The key benefits and challenges of selling direct
  3. How to determine if direct sales is right for your author business
  4. Choosing the ideal platform to host your direct sales storefront
  5. A step-by-step process to implement your direct sales strategy

Whether you're considering adding direct sales to your existing book promotion mix or making it the centerpiece of your author business, this guide will equip you with the insights and tactics you need to thrive.

Let's break it down.

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