What does the law say about consent?

The law and LGBTQ+ communities can have a complicated relationship, with past Australian laws criminalising consensual sex between men; and many people being reluctant to contact police to this day; due to a fear of discrimination and/or minimisation. However laws about consent are there to keep all people safe.

The age of consent for sex in most Australian states is 16, except for South Australia and Tasmania where the age of consent is 17.

In NSW there are also laws which make grooming people under 16 years of age illegal. Grooming may occur when an adult exposes a person under 16 to sexual materials, or gives them gifts, alcohol or drugs with the intention of engaging that person for sex. For more information around dating and sex for young people have a read of this website.

Other important things to know:

If reading this content has caused you distress, or made you think you may need support, you can find an LGBTQ+ affirming service here.

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