OTES 2.0 Framework

Source: Ohio Department of Education. (2020). OTES framework final.3.11.20.

3319.112 (A): The framework shall establish an evaluation system that does the following: (1) Provides for multiple evaluation factors;(2) Is aligned with the standards for teachers adopted under section 3319.61 of the Revised Code; (4) Assigns a rating on each evaluation in accordance with division (B) of this section; (6) Uses at least two measures of high-quality student data to provide evidence of student learning attributable to the teacher being evaluated.

3319.112 (A): (3) Requires observation of the teacher being evaluated, including at least two formal observations by the evaluator of at least thirty minutes each and classroom walkthroughs.

3319.112 (A): (8) Includes development of a professional growth plan or improvement plan for the teacher that is based on the results of the evaluation and is aligned to any school district or building improvement plan required for the teacher's district or building under the "Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965," as amended by the "Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, " Pub. L. No. 114-95, 20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.

3319.111 (C): (2 (a) The board may evaluate each teacher who received a rating of accomplished on the teacher's most recent evaluation conducted under this section once every three school years, so long as the teacher submits a self-directed professional growth plan to the evaluator that focuses on specific areas identified in the observations and evaluation and the evaluator determines that the teacher is making progress on that plan. (3) In any year that a teacher is not formally evaluated pursuant to division (C) of this section as a result of receiving a rating of accomplished or skilled on the teacher's most recent evaluation, an individual qualified to evaluate a teacher under division (D) of this section shall conduct at least one observation of the teacher and hold at least one conference with the teacher. The conference shall include a discussion of progress on the teacher's professional growth plan

3319.111 (C): (2)(b) The board may evaluate each teacher who received a rating of skilled on the teacher's most recent evaluation conducted under this section once every two years, so long as the teacher and evaluator jointly develop a professional growth plan for the teacher that focuses on specific areas identified in the observations and evaluation and the evaluator determines that the teacher is making progress on that plan. (3) In any year that a teacher is not formally evaluated pursuant to division (C) of this section as a result of receiving a rating of accomplished or skilled on the teacher's most recent evaluation, an individual qualified to evaluate a teacher under division (D) of this section shall conduct at least one observation of the teacher and hold at least one conference with the teacher. The conference shall include a discussion of progress on the teacher's professional growth plan .

3319.112 (A): (6) Uses at least two measures of high-quality student data to provide evidence of student learning attributable to the teacher being evaluated. The state board shall define "high-quality student data" for this purpose. When applicable to the grade level or subject area taught by a teacher, high-quality student data shall include the value-added progress dimension established under section 3302.021 of the Revised Code, but the teacher or evaluator shall use at least one other measure of high- quality student data to demonstrate student learning.

3319.112 (A): (5) Requires each teacher to be provided with a written report of the results of the teacher's evaluation

3319.111 (F): The board shall include in its evaluation policy procedures for using the evaluation results for retention and promotion decisions and for removal of poorly performing teachers. Seniority shall not be the basis for a decision to retain a teacher, except when making a decision between teachers who have comparable evaluations.

3319.112 (A): (10) Provides for the allocation of financial resources to support professional development

The State Board of Education values the importance of promoting educator professional growth that leads to improved instructional performance and student learning. OTES 2.0 is a professional growth model and is intended to be used to continually assist educators in enhancing teacher performance. An effective professional growth model considers a teacher’s instructional strengths while supporting identified areas for improvement according to the profile of each educator. The OTES 2.0 process is to be collaborative, ongoing and supportive of the professional growth of the teacher.

Each teacher will be evaluated according to Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Teacher Evaluation Framework, which is aligned with the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession adopted under state law. Using multiple factors set forth in the framework, the teacher’s Final Holistic Rating will be based upon a combination of informal and formal observations and supportive evidence using the Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric.

Essential components of the full evaluation consist of two formal observations of at least thirty minutes each and at least two classroom walkthroughs: