APRIL 2022

20 Now
Ableist critiques of artful crosswalks make an impact; the hottest U.S. city opens the first office of heat response and mitigation; an urban greenway for New Jersey by MNLA follows the railroad; waterfront designers should consider urban fishers; and more.
Edited by Timothy A. Schuler

40 Water
In the Tank
Amid the wetlands and steel plants of Chicago’s Big Marsh Park, a new water recycling system at the Ford Calumet Environmental Center renews the region’s ecological potential.
By Zach Mortice

50 Preservation
Tavern on the Scene
The historic Dunham Tavern in Midtown Cleveland was a destination of interest to all but its neighbors. Merritt Chase and LAND Studio folded the community and some missing pieces of the region’s story into a new master plan for the landscape.
By Timothy A. Schuler

62 Goods
Sprouts with Spring
Vibrant plant introductions for the new season.
By Emily Davidson


70 In Their Elements
Farm, family, and the fundamentals of drawing, topped with a dash of social media, might seem like an uncommon recipe for a nationally recognized landscape architecture firm. But at Stimson, that’s just how they’ve always done it.
By Jonathan Lerner

94 The Year of the Superstudio
With its clarion call for green jobs, environmental justice, and national decarbonization, the Green New Deal reads like a set of prompts for a landscape architecture studio, so why not make it one? Inside the yearlong experiment in grounding policy in real-life regional problems.
By Aaron King


122 Work in Progress
When a group of architects at SHoP announced they were forming a union to address the grueling hours, middling pay, and lack of visibility into the decisions that caused them, landscape architects started talking. Here, 10 designers discuss how they’re rewriting the rules of the profession’s work culture.
By Bradford McKee

140 Books
From Compound to Playground
A review of Schools That Heal: Design with Mental Health in Mind by Claire Latané.
By Bess Williamson

162 Advertiser Index

163 Advertisers by product category

176 Backstory
The many paths through a land bridge in Houston by Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects.