SI 00604.001 Application For Supplemental Security Income, Form SSA-8000-BK

The Application for Supplemental Security Income provides the basis for establishing eligibility for SSI payments. The Modernized Supplemental Security Income Claims System (MSSICS) is the preferred method of taking SSI claims but there are occasions when a paper application must be taken. The SSA-8000-BK is the primary paper application form to apply for SSI payments. The instructions in this section through SI 00604.130 use "claimant" and "applicant" as defined in GN 00201.005.

B. Description

1. General

The SSA-8000-BK is the long SSI application paper form. It includes a tear-off "Receipt for Claim" and "Changes to Report" page. The Spanish language version of this form is the SSA-8000-BK-SP.

2. Format

a. Related items

Related items are grouped together, where possible, and presented in a top-down decision logic format.

b. Questions/items

Questions/items are provided as guides and are not intended as all-inclusive. Special situations or information needed for a limited number of claims may require the completion of supplemental forms.

c. Answer blocks

Most answer blocks have printed "go to" instructions . The "go to" instructions direct you to the next required question/item.