Minwax Wood Filler Directions

There are two primary uses for wood filler. The right filler can bring out the beauty of grain or it can do what the name suggests --- fill holes in a wood surface. Minwax produces two forms of filler as of 2011, stainable and high performance. Minwax High Performance Wood Filler is for big jobs, such as large holes or cracks in the exterior of a house. Stainable is a product that fills smaller areas that need refinishing.

Miniwax High Performance Filler

  1. Wash the surface with soapy water to remove any dirt or debris. Strip off paint. Chip out rotted wood and apply a hardening product to the area. This will stabilize damaged surfaces. Wood hardener is a spray-on product you can apply up to 4 hours prior to adding the filler.

Miniwax Stainable Filler

  1. Clean the wood surface with soapy water. Strip off any loose areas.
  2. Squeeze the filler into the hole. Lay a putty knife over the filler and press down. Continue adding the compound until the hole or gap is full. Allow the filler to dry. It may take several hours. The surface will be hard.
  3. Sand down the filler until it is flush with the wood surface. Wipe excess filler off with soapy water then stain or paint the wood.