CEVA-BX: A Hybrid DSP and Controller

I’ve noticed hybrid solutions popping up recently (I’m reminded of NXP’s crossover MCU released in 2017). These are generally a fairly clear indicator that market needs are shifting; what once could be solved with an application processor or controller or DSP or whatever, now needs two (or more) of these. In performance/power/price-sensitive applications, like many applications in the IoT, market pressure often demands just one processor.


One way to cover this middle ground is to add functions to an existing architecture. So for example ARM provides hardware support for MAC (multiply-accumulate) operations, which you can use for example to build neural-net implementations on M-class subsystems. But it shouldn’t be a surprise that while an MCU with DSP extensions continues to be a good MCU and may compete on cost where DSP operation is undemanding, it is unlikely to be competitive in DSP-intensive applications. Conversely, a DSP amped-up to better perform controller functions is likely to suffer similar drawbacks in controller-intensive applications. In both cases, solutions can extend into the middle ground while not being ideal for the performance, power or value you would like to have.

Is this an artificial need in search of a problem? Not at all. The IoT has created a paradoxical requirement for very high levels of functionality (object and voice recognition for example) with responsive, even safety-critical performance and low power, while also being quite price-sensitive. Neural net workloads, modems, motor control and electrification in cars, bikes and scooters all need both DSP and control support with varying levels of demand between these two. You could require a DSP and a controller in every such application, a power and cost problem in many cases, or you could architect a true middle-ground solution. Which is what CEVA have done with their CEVA-BX product family, announced this week at CES.

Moshe Sheier (VP Marketing at CEVA) tells me that CEVA-BX is a new architecture, not an extension to an existing architecture, designed for the high-complexity signal handling performance and low power expected of DSP kernels, together with the high-level programming and compact code sizes expected for the established control code base. It supports parallel scalar compute engines and clocks at 2 GHz in TSMC 7nm, offering 4X the horsepower of the current CEVA-X2 DSP. The Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) supports Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) widely used in neural network inference, noise reduction and echo cancellation, as well as native complex math and a range of floating-point options, in support of applications like high accuracy sensor fusion and GNSS positioning algorithms.

To meet control performance expectations, the CEVA-BX architecture incorporates features including a large orthogonal general-purpose register set for compiler efficiency, new Branch Target Buffer (BTB) for minimizing branch overhead, a hardware loop buffer for reduced power consumption of code loops, a fully cached memory subsystem, and native support for all standard C types. The CoreMark/MHz score of 4.5 places it comfortably in the MCU pack. CEVA-Xtend is available to add proprietary ISA instructions to the architecture to accelerate proprietary algorithms and to leverage CEVA’s automatic Queue and Buffer management mechanisms when integrating co-processors (for example in 5G PHY control) or creating a cluster of CEVA-BX cores.

CEVA-BX comes with extensive software libraries, both fundamental (DSP neural net, neural net frameworks, compiler, debugger and RTOS) and application (cellular IoT and GNSS ISA extensions, CEVA ClearVox noise reduction for voice-activated systems and CEVA voice recognition). Quite a starting package for application developers.

The family currently contains two members: CEVA-BX1 and CEVA-BX2 which differ in range of MACs offered. CEVA-BX2 comes with quad 32×32-bit MACs and octal 16×16-bit MACs and is intended to address very intensive DSP workloads like 5G PHY control, beam-forming and neural net workloads at up to 16 GMACs/second. CEVA-BX1 is more for the value to mid-range applications in narrow-band IoT communication and always-on (ie low power) voice-pickup or sensor fusion at up to 8 GMACs/second. These cores are currently available to CEVA lead customers and will become available for general use at the end of Q1 2019

Back to the market question. IoT devices are becoming a lot smarter than the dumb nodes we originally expected, not just in being able to do local processing but also in adding local intelligence so that communication with the cloud can be minimized and temporary loss of communication can be tolerated. That demands higher DSP workloads in communication, in neural nets, in motor control and other functions for which the traditional DSP+controller architecture is apparently struggling to keep up. The hybrid architecture approach is worth a look, especially since there is a lot of detail I skipped in this brief review. CEVA is presenting at CES this week so see them there if you can, otherwise check the product details HERE.

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[last_post_id] => 66513 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19382] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 64 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19382 [node_id] => 376 [title] => Ceva Extends its Connect IP Portfolio with Wi-Fi 7 Platform for High-End Consumer and Industrial IoT [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1222 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1704243119 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 66385 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1704243119 [last_post_id] => 66385 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19270] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 65 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19270 [node_id] => 376 [title] => Ceva Wins Product of the Year Award at Prestigious EE Awards Asia Event [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1699 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1702074556 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 65873 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1702074556 [last_post_id] => 65873 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19262] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 66 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19262 [node_id] => 376 [title] => Ceva Launches New Brand Identity Reflecting its Focus on Smart Edge IP Innovation [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1130 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1701898897 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 65839 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1701898897 [last_post_id] => 65839 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19150] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 67 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19150 [node_id] => 376 [title] => CEVA, Inc. to Participate at Upcoming Investor Events [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1298 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1700090750 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 65440 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1700090750 [last_post_id] => 65440 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19107] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 68 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19107 [node_id] => 376 [title] => CEVA, Inc. Announces Expansion of Existing Share Repurchase Program [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1407 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1699503963 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 65303 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1699503963 [last_post_id] => 65303 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [populated:protected] => 1 )

Recent Ceva Press

CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024

started by AmandaK on August 28, 2024

Ceva Expands its Market Share Leadership in Wireless Connectivity IP, Strengthening its Solutions for Smart Edge AI/IoT applications

started by AmandaK on August 16, 2024

Ceva Bluetooth Low Energy and 802.15.4 IPs Bring Ultra-Low Power Wireless Connectivity to Alif Semiconductor's Balletto Family of MCUs

started by AmandaK on July 24, 2024

STMicroelectronics Integrates Ceva Cellular IoT Platform in its NB-IoT Industrial Module

started by AmandaK on July 11, 2024

Ceva Extends its Smart Edge IP Leadership, Adding New TinyML Optimized NPUs for AIoT Devices to Enable Edge AI Everywhere

started by AmandaK on June 25, 2024

Ceva, Inc. To Participate at Upcoming Investor Events

started by AmandaK on May 28, 2024

Ceva Launches Multi-Protocol Wireless Platform IP Family to Accelerate Enhanced Connectivity in MCUs and SOCs for IoT and Smart Edge AI Applications

started by AmandaK on April 8, 2024

Ceva Joins Arm Total Design to Accelerate Development of End-to-End 5G SoCs for Infrastructure and NTN Satellites

started by AmandaK on February 29, 2024

Ceva Introduces its Next Generation Low Power Ultra-Wideband IP for FiRa 2.0 to Provide Highly Accurate and Reliable Wireless Ranging Capabilities.

started by AmandaK on February 27, 2024

SKAIChips License Ceva Bluetooth IP for Electronic Shelf Label IC

started by AmandaK on February 7, 2024


Array ( [node_name] => Ceva [node_id] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) )
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[_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [20291] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 54 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 20291 [node_id] => 376 [title] => Ceva, Inc. To Participate at Upcoming Investor Events [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1086 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1716936676 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 70666 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1716936676 [last_post_id] => 70666 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => 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=> 100 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 57 [rgt] => 58 [depth] => 2 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 4 [breadcrumb_data] => ,"355":> [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19993] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 55 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19993 [node_id] => 376 [title] => Ceva Launches Multi-Protocol Wireless Platform IP Family to Accelerate Enhanced Connectivity in MCUs and SOCs for IoT and Smart Edge AI Applications [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 2015 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1712619611 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 69113 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1712619611 [last_post_id] => 69113 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [last_thread_id] => 20873 [last_thread_title] => CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024 [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 1 [moderate_replies] => 1 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 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[_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19718] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 56 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19718 [node_id] => 376 [title] => Ceva Joins Arm Total Design to Accelerate Development of End-to-End 5G SoCs for Infrastructure and NTN Satellites [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1976 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1709186284 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 67983 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1709186284 [last_post_id] => 67983 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => 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[_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [title] => CEVA [description] => [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 355 [display_order] => 100 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 57 [rgt] => 58 [depth] => 2 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 4 [breadcrumb_data] => ,"355":> [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19699] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 57 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19699 [node_id] => 376 [title] => Ceva Introduces its Next Generation Low Power Ultra-Wideband IP for FiRa 2.0 to Provide Highly Accurate and Reliable Wireless Ranging Capabilities. [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1026 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1709001942 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 67891 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1709001942 [last_post_id] => 67891 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [last_thread_id] => 20873 [last_thread_title] => CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024 [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 1 [moderate_replies] => 1 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] => all [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => discussion [type_config] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Node] => XF\Entity\Node Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Node [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [title] => CEVA [description] => [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 355 [display_order] => 100 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 57 [rgt] => 58 [depth] => 2 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 4 [breadcrumb_data] => ,"355":> [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19573] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 58 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19573 [node_id] => 376 [title] => SKAIChips License Ceva Bluetooth IP for Electronic Shelf Label IC [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1540 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1707286039 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 67270 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1707286039 [last_post_id] => 67270 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [last_thread_id] => 20873 [last_thread_title] => CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024 [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 1 [moderate_replies] => 1 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] => all [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => discussion [type_config] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Node] => XF\Entity\Node Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Node [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [title] => CEVA [description] => [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 355 [display_order] => 100 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 57 [rgt] => 58 [depth] => 2 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 4 [breadcrumb_data] => ,"355":> [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19418] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 59 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19418 [node_id] => 376 [title] => Sunplus and Ceva Expand Collaboration to Bring Bluetooth Audio to the airlyra SoC Family for Wireless Speakers, Soundbars and other Wireless Audio. [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1702 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1704922525 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 66573 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1704922525 [last_post_id] => 66573 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [last_thread_id] => 20873 [last_thread_title] => CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024 [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 1 [moderate_replies] => 1 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] => all [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => discussion [type_config] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Node] => XF\Entity\Node Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Node [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [title] => CEVA [description] => [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 355 [display_order] => 100 [display_in_list] => 1 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[last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [last_thread_id] => 20873 [last_thread_title] => CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024 [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 1 [moderate_replies] => 1 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => 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[_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19416] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 61 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) 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Partner to Bring Premium Spatial Audio to Hearables, Consumer and Mobile Products [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 983 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1704922437 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 66571 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1704922437 [last_post_id] => 66571 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] 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[parent_node_id] => 355 [display_order] => 100 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 57 [rgt] => 58 [depth] => 2 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 4 [breadcrumb_data] => ,"355":> [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) 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[last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [last_thread_id] => 20873 [last_thread_title] => CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024 [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 1 [moderate_replies] => 1 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 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[_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19400] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 63 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19400 [node_id] => 376 [title] => Ceva and India's No. 1 Audio and Wearable Brand, boAt, Announce Strategic Partnership to Enhance the Wireless Audio Experience [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1032 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1704745545 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 66513 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1704745545 [last_post_id] => 66513 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [last_thread_id] => 20873 [last_thread_title] => CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024 [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 1 [moderate_replies] => 1 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] => all [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => discussion [type_config] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Node] => XF\Entity\Node Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Node [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [title] => CEVA [description] => [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 355 [display_order] => 100 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 57 [rgt] => 58 [depth] => 2 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 4 [breadcrumb_data] => ,"355":> [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19382] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 64 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19382 [node_id] => 376 [title] => Ceva Extends its Connect IP Portfolio with Wi-Fi 7 Platform for High-End Consumer and Industrial IoT [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1222 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1704243119 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 66385 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1704243119 [last_post_id] => 66385 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [last_thread_id] => 20873 [last_thread_title] => CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024 [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 1 [moderate_replies] => 1 [allow_posting] => 1 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( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19270] => 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[rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [last_thread_id] => 20873 [last_thread_title] => CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024 [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 1 [moderate_replies] => 1 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] => all [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => discussion [type_config] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Node] => XF\Entity\Node Object ( 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[_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19262] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 66 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19262 [node_id] => 376 [title] => Ceva Launches New Brand Identity Reflecting its Focus on Smart Edge IP Innovation [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1130 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 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[breadcrumb_data] => ,"355":> [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] 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XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [last_thread_id] => 20873 [last_thread_title] => CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024 [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 1 [moderate_replies] => 1 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] => all [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => discussion [type_config] 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[_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) [19107] => ThemeHouse\XPress\XF\Entity\Thread Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 68 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Thread [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [thread_id] => 19107 [node_id] => 376 [title] => CEVA, Inc. Announces Expansion of Existing Share Repurchase Program [reply_count] => 0 [view_count] => 1407 [user_id] => 25277 [username] => AmandaK [post_date] => 1699503963 [sticky] => 0 [discussion_state] => visible [discussion_open] => 1 [discussion_type] => discussion [first_post_id] => 65303 [first_post_reaction_score] => 0 [first_post_reactions] => [] [last_post_date] => 1699503963 [last_post_id] => 65303 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [prefix_id] => 0 [tags] => [] [custom_fields] => [] [vote_score] => 0 [vote_count] => 0 [type_data] => [] ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Forum] => XF\Entity\Forum Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 70 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Forum [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [discussion_count] => 128 [message_count] => 128 [last_post_id] => 73442 [last_post_date] => 1724880516 [last_post_user_id] => 25277 [last_post_username] => AmandaK [last_thread_id] => 20873 [last_thread_title] => CEVA Wins Prestigious OFweek China Automotive Industry Award 2024 [last_thread_prefix_id] => 0 [moderate_threads] => 1 [moderate_replies] => 1 [allow_posting] => 1 [count_messages] => 1 [find_new] => 1 [allow_index] => allow [index_criteria] => [field_cache] => [] [prefix_cache] => [] [prompt_cache] => [] [default_prefix_id] => 0 [default_sort_order] => last_post_date [default_sort_direction] => desc [list_date_limit_days] => 0 [require_prefix] => 0 [allowed_watch_notifications] => all [min_tags] => 0 [forum_type_id] => discussion [type_config] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( [Node] => XF\Entity\Node Object ( [_uniqueEntityId:XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity:private] => 48 [rootClass:protected] => XF\Entity\Node [_useReplaceInto:protected] => [_newValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_values:protected] => Array ( [node_id] => 376 [title] => CEVA [description] => [node_name] => [node_type_id] => Forum [parent_node_id] => 355 [display_order] => 100 [display_in_list] => 1 [lft] => 57 [rgt] => 58 [depth] => 2 [style_id] => 0 [effective_style_id] => 4 [breadcrumb_data] => ,"355":> [navigation_id] => [effective_navigation_id] => ) [_relations:protected] => Array ( ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [_previousValues:protected] => Array ( ) [_options:protected] => Array ( ) [_deleted:protected] => [_readOnly:protected] => [_writePending:protected] => [_writeRunning:protected] => [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_whenSaveable:protected] => Array ( ) [_cascadeSave:protected] => Array ( ) [_behaviors:protected] => ) ) [populated:protected] => 1 )