15 Sample Letters of Complaint Against Security Guard

Dealing with an unprofessional, negligent, or abusive security guard can be a frustrating and distressing experience.

Whether you’re a resident, employee, or visitor, you have the right to feel safe and respected in the presence of security personnel.

If you’ve encountered a security guard who has failed to meet these standards, it’s essential to take action by filing a formal complaint.

Sample Letters of Complaint Against Security Guard

In this article, we’ll provide you with 15 sample letters of complaint against security guards, covering a range of scenarios and grievances.

These templates will help you effectively communicate your concerns and seek appropriate resolution from the guard’s employer or the relevant authorities.

Letter 1: Unprofessional Behavior

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Unprofessional Behavior

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against the security guard on duty at [location] on [date] at approximately [time]. The guard, who was wearing a name tag that read [guard’s name], displayed highly unprofessional behavior during our interaction.

While I was [describe the situation], the guard [describe the guard’s actions]. This behavior was not only inappropriate but also made me feel [describe your feelings].

I request that you investigate this incident and take appropriate disciplinary action against the guard in question. I also hope that you will provide additional training to your security staff to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 2: Negligence of Duties

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Negligence of Duties

I am writing to express my concern about the performance of the security guard stationed at [location] on [date] at around [time]. The guard, identified as [guard’s name], appeared to be neglecting their duties, which compromised the safety and security of the premises.

During my visit, I noticed that the guard was [describe the guard’s actions or lack thereof]. This negligence is unacceptable, as it puts the well-being of visitors, employees, and property at risk.

I urge you to investigate this matter thoroughly and take the necessary steps to ensure that your security personnel are diligent in carrying out their responsibilities. I also suggest implementing a more rigorous monitoring system to prevent such lapses in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue. I eagerly await your response.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 3: Harassment

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Harassment

I am writing to report an incident of harassment by a security guard at [location] on [date] at approximately [time]. The guard, who identified themselves as [guard’s name], engaged in behavior that made me feel threatened and violated.

While I was [describe the situation], the guard [describe the guard’s actions]. This conduct was not only inappropriate but also constitutes harassment, which is a serious offense.

I demand that you take immediate action to address this issue, including terminating the employment of the guard in question and providing harassment prevention training to all your security staff. I also request that you cooperate with any legal proceedings that may arise from this incident.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this grave matter. I expect a swift response detailing the steps you plan to take.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 4: Excessive Force

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Excessive Force

I am writing to file a complaint against the security guard on duty at [location] on [date] at around [time]. The guard, who was wearing a name tag that read [guard’s name], used excessive force while dealing with a situation, causing unnecessary harm and distress.

I witnessed the guard [describe the guard’s actions] while [describe the situation]. The level of force employed was disproportionate to the circumstances and violated the basic rights of those involved.

I insist that you conduct a thorough investigation into this incident and take appropriate disciplinary action against the guard, including termination of employment if warranted. I also urge you to review your use-of-force policies and provide additional training to your security staff to prevent such incidents in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I anticipate a prompt response outlining the steps you will take to address this complaint.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 5: Discrimination

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Discrimination

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against the security guard stationed at [location] on [date] at approximately [time]. The guard, identified as [guard’s name], engaged in discriminatory behavior targeting [describe the targeted individual or group].

During the incident, the guard [describe the guard’s actions]. This conduct is not only unethical but also illegal, as it violates anti-discrimination laws.

I demand that you take immediate action to address this issue, including terminating the employment of the guard in question and providing anti-discrimination training to all your security staff. I also request that you cooperate with any legal proceedings that may arise from this incident.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this serious matter. I expect a swift response detailing the measures you will take to rectify the situation.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 6: Sleeping on Duty

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Sleeping on Duty

I am writing to report an incident involving a security guard at [location] on [date] at around [time]. The guard, who was wearing a name tag that read [guard’s name], was found sleeping while on duty, compromising the safety and security of the premises.

I noticed the guard [describe the situation] and appeared to be in deep sleep. This negligence is unacceptable, as it leaves the area vulnerable to potential threats and emergencies.

I request that you investigate this matter thoroughly and take appropriate disciplinary action against the guard, including termination of employment if necessary. I also suggest implementing a more rigorous monitoring system to ensure that your security personnel remain alert while on duty.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue. I eagerly await your response.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 7: Theft

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Theft

I am writing to file a complaint against the security guard on duty at [location] on [date] at approximately [time]. The guard, identified as [guard’s name], was involved in an act of theft, which is a serious breach of trust and professionalism.

I witnessed the guard [describe the guard’s actions] and later discovered that [describe the stolen item(s)] was missing. This conduct is not only unethical but also criminal.

I demand that you take immediate action to address this issue, including terminating the employment of the guard in question and cooperating with law enforcement in their investigation. I also request that you review your hiring and screening processes to prevent such incidents in the future.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this grave matter. I expect a swift response detailing the steps you will take to resolve this complaint.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 8: Insubordination

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Insubordination

I am writing to express my concern about the behavior of the security guard stationed at [location] on [date] at around [time]. The guards, who identified themselves as [guard’s name], displayed insubordination towards their superiors and colleagues, creating a hostile work environment.

During my interaction with the guard, I observed them [describe the guard’s actions]. This conduct undermines the authority of their supervisors and disrupts the effective functioning of the security team.

I urge you to investigate this matter thoroughly and take appropriate disciplinary action against the guard, including additional training on workplace conduct and respect for authority. I also suggest implementing a more robust system for addressing insubordination within your security staff.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to your prompt response.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 9: Unauthorized Access

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Unauthorized Access

I am writing to report an incident involving a security guard at [location] on [date] at approximately [time]. The guard, identified as [guard’s name], granted unauthorized access to [describe the individual or group] into a restricted area, compromising the security of the premises.

I noticed the guard [describe the guard’s actions], which is a clear violation of security protocols and puts the safety of employees, visitors, and property at risk.

I request that you investigate this matter thoroughly and take appropriate disciplinary action against the guard, including termination of employment if warranted. I also suggest reviewing your access control policies and providing additional training to your security staff to prevent such breaches in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. I eagerly await your response.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 10: Failure to Respond to Emergency

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Failure to Respond to Emergency

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against the security guard on duty at [location] on [date] at around [time]. The guard, who was wearing a name tag that read [guard’s name], failed to respond appropriately to an emergency, putting lives at risk.

During the incident, [describe the emergency], the guard [describe the guard’s actions or lack thereof]. This negligence is unacceptable, as it compromises the safety and well-being of those in need of assistance.

I demand that you conduct a thorough investigation into this incident and take appropriate disciplinary action against the guard, including termination of employment if necessary. I also urge you to review your emergency response protocols and provide additional training to your security staff to ensure prompt and effective action in future emergencies.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this grave matter. I expect a swift response detailing the steps you will take to address this complaint.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 11: Inappropriate Language

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Inappropriate Language

I am writing to express my concern about the language used by the security guard stationed at [location] on [date] at approximately [time]. The guard, identified as [guard’s name], engaged in inappropriate and offensive language while on duty.

During my interaction with the guard, they [describe the guard’s actions]. This language is not only unprofessional but also creates a hostile environment for visitors and employees.

I request that you investigate this matter thoroughly and take appropriate disciplinary action against the guard, including additional training on professional conduct and communication. I also suggest implementing a more rigorous monitoring system to ensure that your security personnel maintain a high standard of professionalism while on duty.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to your prompt response.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 12: Failure to Follow Protocol

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Failure to Follow Protocol

I am writing to report an incident involving a security guard at [location] on [date] at around [time]. The guard, who identified themselves as [guard’s name], failed to follow established security protocols, potentially compromising the safety and security of the premises.

I noticed the guard [describe the guard’s actions], which is a clear violation of the standard operating procedures that are in place to maintain a secure environment.

I urge you to investigate this matter thoroughly and take the necessary steps to ensure that your security personnel adhere to the established protocols at all times. I also suggest providing additional training and regular performance evaluations to prevent such lapses in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue. I eagerly await your response.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 13: Lack of Professionalism

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Lack of Professionalism

I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against the security guard on duty at [location] on [date] at approximately [time]. The guard, identified as [guard’s name], displayed a severe lack of professionalism in their conduct and appearance.

During my visit, I observed the guard [describe the guard’s actions or appearance]. This unprofessional demeanor reflects poorly on your organization and undermines the trust and confidence of visitors and employees.

I request that you investigate this matter thoroughly and take appropriate disciplinary action against the guard, including additional training on professional conduct and grooming standards. I also suggest implementing a more rigorous monitoring system to ensure that your security personnel consistently maintain a high level of professionalism.

Thank you for your attention to this important issue. I anticipate a prompt response detailing the steps you will take to address this complaint.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 14: Inadequate Training

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Inadequate Training

I am writing to express my concern about the performance of the security guard stationed at [location] on [date] at around [time]. The guard, who was wearing a name tag that read [guard’s name], appeared to lack the necessary training to handle a situation effectively.

During the incident, [describe the situation], the guard [describe the guard’s actions or lack thereof]. This inadequate response suggests that the guard has not received sufficient training to carry out their duties competently.

I urge you to investigate this matter thoroughly and take steps to ensure that all your security personnel receive comprehensive training to handle a wide range of situations. I also suggest implementing regular performance evaluations and ongoing training programs to maintain a high standard of service.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. I look forward to your prompt response.

[Your Contact Information]

Letter 15: Failure to Maintain Confidentiality

Subject: Complaint Against Security Guard – Failure to Maintain Confidentiality

I am writing to file a complaint against the security guard on duty at [location] on [date] at approximately [time]. The guard, identified as [guard’s name], breached confidentiality by disclosing sensitive information to unauthorized individuals.

I overheard the guard [describe the guard’s actions], which is a severe violation of privacy and confidentiality policies. This breach of trust can have serious consequences for the individuals or organizations involved.

I demand that you conduct a thorough investigation into this incident and take appropriate disciplinary action against the guard, including termination of employment if warranted. I also request that you review your confidentiality policies and provide additional training to your security staff to prevent such breaches in the future.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this grave matter. I expect a swift response detailing the measures you will take to rectify the situation.

[Your Contact Information]


By using these sample letters as a guide, you can effectively communicate your concerns and seek resolution when faced with unprofessional, negligent, or abusive behavior from a security guard.

Remember to document the incident thoroughly, including dates, times, locations, and any witnesses, to support your complaint.

By taking action and filing a formal complaint, you contribute to creating a safer and more secure environment for everyone.

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