Policy 6.13 Parking of The London Plan (GLA, 2016) has recently been revised to specifically address new development’s parking in car dependent areas in Outer London with low public transport accessibility.
The changes follow Central Government direction since early 2011 and policy in The National Planning Policy Framework (DCLG, 2012).
The London Plan Policy 6.13 Parking clause Ee now states ” … outer London boroughs should demonstrate that they have actively considered more generous standards for housing development in areas with low public transport accessibility (generally PTALs 0 -1) and take into account current and projected pressures for on-street parking and their bearing on all road users, as well as the criteria set out in NPPF (Para 39).”
The London Plan Table 6.2 Car Parking Standards has been revised to include a footnote stating “In outer London areas with low PTAL (generally PTALs 0-1), boroughs should consider higher levels of provision, especially to address ‘overspill’ parking pressures.”
For the purposes of planning application determination on-street parking pressure or on-street parking stress is measured by undertaking parking surveys.
A parking survey involves: measuring total street parking capacity, providing an electronic street inventory on Ordnance Survey map extract using AutoCAD, surveying actual parking demand at specified times and days and calculating on-street parking pressure or on-street parking stress.
Parking surveys are typically undertaken in accordance with the “Lambeth Methodology” (‘Lambeth Council Parking Survey Guidance Note‘ (Lambeth Council, 2012)) as this is the most established methodology.
A development’s on-street overspill parking is parking demand from a development, that can’t be met off-street within a development site’s site boundary, and therefore generates additional on-street parking demand in streets surrounding the site.
Overspill parking is typically calculated using Development Plan parking standards and / or Census data.
Contact Kronen if your project has been effected by these changes to The London Plan and you need advice regarding on-street parking pressure / on-street parking stress or would like a parking survey quote: info@www.kronenlimited.com, 020 8541 1139 or 16 Church Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8AY.
020 8541 1139
Thorncroft Manor, Manor Drive, Leatherhead, KT22 8JB