Florida Driving Test

The Driving Skills Exam known as the Road Test or Behind-the-Wheel test is the last step to getting a Florida drivers license. During the 12 months that a person has Learners Permit they should practice the skills necessary to pass the Road Test. A minimum of 50 hours (10 hours at night) of driving experience with a licensed driver age 21 or older is required.

Florida Driving Test Topics

Florida Driving Test (Road Test)

When you get your drivers license in Florida you have to take a behind the wheel driving test. The most common question we receive about the driving test is "what exactly will I be tested on?".

The road test is not required when you get your Florida learners permit or restricted license. When you get you learners permit you are required to take a Drug and Alcohol Traffic Education course and a Florida Permit Test.

Behind the Wheel Road Test

Class E License — an operators license or Class E license is the Florida drivers license you get when you are ready to drive on your own after having a learners permit for a year or if you're an adult age 18 or older. To get your operators license you will need to pass a behind the wheel test and perform specific maneuvers.

Test Car — you must bring your own car (the DMV does not provide cars) and it must be in good running condition. Make sure you have already tested the turn signals, brake lights, parking lights and horn to ensure everything works. Double check the glove compartment to make sure the vehicle registration and auto insurance is current.

Schedule an appointment at a DMV Office to take the Road Test referred to as the "Driving Test Class E License".

Florida Driving Road Test Maneuvers

Following is a list of the maneuvers in the Florida Drivers Handbook you need to practice to pass for the road test known as the Driving Skills Exam:

Three Point Turn

Turn you car around in a 20 to 40 foot space.

Approaching a Crossing

Get in the proper lane and look in all directions.

Observe Right-of-Way

Allow pedestrians to cross. Pull over and stop for emergency vehicles to pass. Do not enter an intersection where you will interfere with other traffic.

Straight-In Parking

When parked your the vehicle should be centered inside the space with no part of the vehicle extended out in the traffic lane.

Parking on a Grade

Know the proper parking techniques for uphill and downhill, with and without a curb.

Stop Quickly

Make a quick and safe stop when the driver examiner instructs you to.


Back for a distance of 50 feet at a slow speed while turning your head and looking over you right shoulder to the rear. Do not use the rear-view mirror or rear-view camera monitor.

Obey Stop Signs

Approach the stop sign in the proper lane, come to a complete stop before reaching the stop line or crosswalk, and remain stopped until you can move forward safely. Be sure to turn on your turn signals at least 100 feet before turning.

Obey Traffic Signals

Get into the proper lane and approach the light at a speed that will allow you to stop if the light should change. When the light turns green, do not move forward until the other traffic has cleared the intersection.

Signal and Turn

Get into the proper lane and signal your turn for the last 100 feet. You may use either hand signals or your car's turn signals.


Always look ahead and behind to make sure you can pass safely.

Stay in Proper Lane

Drive in the right lane except on a one way street. Do not change lanes until it is safe.

Follow at a Safe Distance

Do not follow too close behind other cars. Keep a minimum following distance of three to four seconds.

Use Proper Posture

Keep both hands on the steering wheel and do not rest your elbow in the window.

Full details for the Florida driving test are in the Drivers Manual.

DMV Florida

DMVFlorida.org is an independent organization not affiliated with the state of Florida, the Florida DMV, the Department of Motor Vehicles, or DHSMV.